Saturday, December 24, 2016

So where was I?

Oh yeah....quit my job without thinking through the consequences of not having a steady paycheck.  Not one of my brightest decisions but it certainly wouldn't be the last boneheaded move I make in my life. You'll probably see here a pattern of stupid fueled by immaturity, drug abuse, and just plain dumbassery.  

Anyway, I really enjoyed my freedom from not having to toil away at a job every day for about a week before things like paying rent and eating food started to become a reality.  So I took odd jobs here and there, nothing that would stick, I didn't have a clue where I was going in my life until I thought about enlisting in the military.

This was the mid seventies and I don't know if anybody remembers the mindset back then, but the military was not nearly as glamorous as it is depicted today.  Vietnam was very fresh and actually volunteering to join was seen as somewhat desperate or crazy.

I was both.

I moseyed over to the enlistment center and started at the first office on the corner, which was the Marine Corps.  Inside was a fat, shaven head, bulldog looking guy who went on and on about how the corps would make a fucking man out of me and if I even considered any of the other branches I was a pussy.  I told him I would think about it and got the hell out of there.  Next in line was the Air Force but they had an "out to lunch" sign on the door, so I went to the next....the Navy.

The Navy guys seem laid back.  One even had a beard.  They had bell bottom jeans (still kinda popular) and didn't seem to be all that hung up on the spit and polish bullshit the Marines were obsessed about.  I talked with them for the rest of the afternoon, watched a few promo films, and was sold.  Told them to sign my ass up.  They said...."not so fast young man, first we need to give you an exam, kind of an entrance test".  So I had to wait a couple of days to take this huge exam with about a hundred other guys wanting to join various branches of the military.  It took about three hours...and I aced it.



Evidently nobody had ever done that before.  They sent me to see an admiral in another state in order to convince him that I didn't cheat on the tests or anything.    All of a sudden they started treating me very nice.  I said I kinda needed to enlist in a hurry because I was running out of money to pay rent and buy groceries.  They said "no problem".  They asked if I had ever used drugs and I replied "well, I smoked a little pot". They said "ahhhh, who your age hasn't" and said that wasn't a problem.  By the end of the week I was being poked, prodded, groped, and sworn into the U.S. Navy, boarding my first jet plane ride to sunny California. 

---to be continued


  1. Hey! Where's the next dammed entry??!

  2. Flu knocked me out for a bit....though it's nice to know you are reading this stuff.

  3. Went on a search for old blog friends, and am sure glad you showed up my friend. I tried fauxbuk, but that was nothing like blogging. Has been a long time Jay, I'm on a downhill slide.......trying to get off the slide and take the tumble wherever it takes me. They showed me the magic poison.....$10,000 worth of it in two sealed containers. If I had of opened one of the containers and drank it, I'd be dead within minutes, suffering all the way out. They injected the 400ml of poison into the tennis ball sized tumor, and that was chemoimbolization #1. Have #2 scheduled in early march. Enough about me, I'm 71 years old, and these are tales of oldage. Yet, when I take a look back at things I've enjoyed that are no more.....blogging is one of the things I miss. Not that everyone I met while blogging agreed with me on anything, that was not the purpose of blogging, blogging was different. One, wrote something and left it to be commented upon, laughed at (your blogs were always layered in laughable, and thought provoking) railed against or questioned with questions, not hatred. Well blogging is gone Jay, or is it?

