Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sugar Sugar

I really hate it.  About four times a day I have to check my blood glucose level various times a day to make sure it's not getting too high or too low.  I hate it....but there really is no way around it.

What it consists of is taking a little needle-like doohickey and stabbing it into my finger to get a drop of blood.  It actually doesn't hurt....well....not much most times and when it does, it's only for a second.  Still, it's not very much fun.  My fingers have toughened up with the thousands of pokes over the last few years which, strangely enough, makes it harder since I have to jab the needle deeper to hit blood.

So why am I whining about this?  Just a reminder to all that haven't developed Type 2 diabetes yet because of their lousy lifestyles.  Change!  Now, before it's too late!  It's not too late for me as in losing weight, getting fit, and changing the course of the more deadly consequences of diabetes; but it is too late to avoid being diabetic.  I will have to check my blood sugar every day for the rest of my (hopefully) long life.  That sucks, believe me.  You don't want this.

So how do you avoid the routine of making yourself bleed a few times every day? probably know.  Eat right.  It's not rocket science, most of us have knowledge what is good for us and what is garbage.  Avoid processed foods.  Avoid tons of sweets.  EXERCISE regularly and with consistency.

And finally, the one thing that most of us should do but put off and that is getting a regular medical checkup.  There are several symptoms of diabetes but their onset is so slow and gradual that it's easy to pass it off as just getting older.  Plus, there is the resistance to finding out that all your bad habits may be coming home to roost....of being faced with cold, hard reality rather than assuring yourself that you'll take care of it'll start that diet next'll start using that gym membership when you get through this tough month at work.

  Denial is a killer.  

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