Well now....I was out of the Navy and didn't have any more of a direction in my life than before I went in. I did have a G.I. Bill. This was the old G.I. bill and it had a sweet deal if you wanted to go to college. They would pretty much pay for it and you could have around $500 or so a month to live on while you were enrolled. Just what a budding drug addict needed; no responsibilities, steady income, and not having to do anything with your time other than go to classes.....and you didn't have to actually attend any classes, just enroll in them.
Naturally, I spent semester after semester skipping classes and getting stoned. There were a few that I found interesting and put in some effort, but for the majority of them I just quit going after a couple of weeks. My transcript was all over the place, either A's or F's....mostly F's since I wouldn't even bother dropping the classes to get an incomplete grade. I pretty much wasted a great deal for getting my education because I was far more interested in working on my addiction.
...and it was coming along fine
I think this was about the time that I started to wonder whether I may actually have a problem with drugs. Outwardly, it didn't seem like it. I was having fun, had lots of friends, was young and felt I could do anything and had all the time in the world to do "grownup" stuff , like have a job and a direction in my life. But inside....inside I started to get the feeling that I may be in trouble.
...and I didn't have a clue what to do about it. So I got high and tried to stay that way anyway I could.
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