Friday, March 3, 2017

Fat Personal Trainers?

Here's the question:  Would you be okay with a fat personal fitness trainer?

It's a serious question that I am pondering and I'm going back and forth on my answer.  On the one're paying for knowledge, not a model.  It shouldn't matter what a trainer looks like as long as they have the skills to help you achieve your fitness goals.   But....on the other hand....with a rather fat personal trainer, it would appear that he/she doesn't follow their own advice or that what they are telling you to do in the gym and in the kitchen isn't working for them.  Most folks do not respond well to the "do as I say not as I do" method of instruction.  

I am loathe to judge people based on physical appearance.  Particularly people in a gym.  My philosophy is EVERYBODY belongs in a gym....especially fat and out of shape people.  When I see somebody who is very overweight in the gym, I want to give them a high five and celebrate their decision to make positive changes.  They are in the right place doing the right things.  God love em. 

Yet, a fat personal trainer?  I dunno.  That's kind of like a doctor who chain smokes.  The knowledge may be there, but you get the feeling that their heart is really not into the work they do.  

The reason I bring all this up is because, at the gym I frequently go to, there is one trainer who is fat.  Not overweight, not chubby, but gut way the hell out there fat.  Several of his clients look to be in better shape than him...and that is a point.  He does have clients.  He must be getting results with people even if he can't get them for himself.

Or maybe his clients like low expectations.  I mean, they can work out week after month after year without making any gains and think it normal because, after all, their trainer's body isn't changing.

I dunno.  Let me know what you think.  I'm really curious.


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