Friday, February 24, 2017

I'm Just Looking....get away from me

I hate going into my local supplement store.  I don't want to call them out other than to say it's a major chain store that starts with a G and ends with a C.  

Now...there's nothing wrong with the store as far as supplement stores go.  They have all the usual shelves filled with usual stuff; protein powders, pre-workouts, post-workouts, fat burners, weight gainers, eye of newt, toe of frog, etc.  All vastly overpriced and most of it complete crap.  However; they do carry some things I need that are not found in any other stores in my city, and I may not feel like waiting a week to get it by mail from ordering online.  So I mosey in once in a while to buy a bottle of creatine or a few protein bars.  

That's the part I hate.  

I really kind of feel bad for the sales clerk stuck in one of these GNC's (oops).  I don't think that I've ever been in one where there were any other customers.  Really.  I wonder how they stay in business because I never see anybody buying anything in them.  It must suck puttering around in one of these stores all day, straightening the shelves of $99 tubs of protein that nobody buys, and yearning for the infrequent "ding" of the door signaling a customer. soon as I walk in.....that dude is all over me.  I get the antiseptic greeting, questions about what I am looking for, offers of assistance, comments about the weather, advice about the latest gee-whiz supplement that just so happens to be on sale, and him following me around the store practically humping my leg. 

I get it man.  You work a shit job and most of your pay is probably from commissions off the couple of sales you may have during your shift. Sucks.  We do what we can to pay the bills.  I can dig that you want to sell me stuff and I am, after all, here to buy stuff.

But let me tell ya......just because you are wearing a GNC (oops) shirt and have read a few promo sheets in the stock room, this doesn't make you an expert on supplementation or fitness.  In fact, looking at you, I would be willing to bet you haven't hit a gym since P.E. class in high school.  I don't need your advice.  I don't want your suggestions.  I know exactly what I want to buy.  Just because I stop and look at the label of something is NOT a signal for you to come over an spout a bunch of bullshit about how it will change my life and transform my body.

On the bright side, my local grocery store has begun carrying the supplements I had been going to GNC (oops) for all these years.  

Helluva lot cheaper too. 

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